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Dates: Dec 17, Jan 7 and 21, Feb 4 and 18, March 3 and 17

Time: 10-11:30 am

Connecting Neighbourhoods

We believe that God’s grace is something for all people. And part of our role is stewarding grace and beauty for the common good of all in the place that we exist. One of the ways we do this is by creating spaces for people to actually connect with their neighbourhood. Many of us live lives disconnected to the block and street and neighbourhood we actually inhabit. We want to change that narrative as best we can. And because many of us live in (and The Cairn meets in) the sunny side of Canmore, we’ve given our time and energy to create neighbourhood connection at Cougar Creek Outdoor Rink.

Over the summer we play street soccer there a few times a month. In the winter we cultivate neighbourhood connection by hosting meet ups at the rink on Sunday mornings for hot drinks, treats and casual shinny. We invite you to come, bring your neighbour and connect with your neighbourhood. We have some hockey equipment for free use as well.

If you’d like to participate in helping arrange and plan, or just want more information in general, contact Clarke Glover at